Lost or Stolen Cards

Lost or Stolen Cards: Lost or stolen cards should be deactivated immediately to prevent unauthorized access. Lost or stolen cards can be deactivated instantaneously by logging into our website and selecting the Deactivate Your Card button or by calling Hokie Passport Services at 540-231-5121 during normal business hours (8:00am-4:30pm Monday through Friday) or the Virginia Tech Police Department at 540-231-6411 at all other times. Deactivating your card will also prevent usage of mobile applications tied to your card such as Grubhub or Mobile ID.

If an on-campus student has a lost/stolen ID after hours and needs assistance getting into their residence hall, they may contact their Residential Well-being Student Leader to obtain a temporary access card or use the Mobile ID app (if the card has not yet been deactivated). If a student has a lost/stolen ID after-hours and would like to use their dining plan, they may visit Owens Food Court to complete a Lost Card Disclaimer. A Lost Card Disclaimer will allow a student with a lost or stolen Hokie Passport to dine at Owens Food Court or D2 using their dining plan. Students will be required to obtain a new Hokie Passport by 4:30pm the following business day and return to the dining center used to ensure that their account has been updated appropriately.

The university assumes no responsibility for unauthorized access due to lost or stolen cards.

Reactivating or Replacing a Card: To reactivate or replace a card, please visit Hokie Passport Services at 100 Student Services Building on campus. Replacement technology cards will cost $25. Hokie Passport Services only accepts cash, check, or Hokie Passport Account funds as payment.

Found Cards: Anyone who finds a card may turn the card in to Hokie Passport Services in-person or via mail or to the Virginia Tech Police Department. Your fellow Hokie will thank you!